KDrama Review: Chief Detective 1958 (2024)

Michelle Mapa
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Chief Detective 1958 Poster
By https://x.com/mbcdrama_pre/status/1765527784930340949, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76155652

As a fan of Lee Je Hoon, I can confidently say that his portrayal of the vigilante in “Taxi Driver” suits him exceptionally well, showcasing his ability to embody intense, action-driven characters.

In contrast, his role in “Chief Detective 1958” presents a more conservative demeanor that may feel underwhelming to those accustomed to his dynamic performance in “Taxi Driver.” Despite this shift, glimpses of his signature style, especially through his nuanced smiles, remind us of his versatile acting prowess.

“Chief Detective 1958” diverges significantly from the fast-paced, high-stakes narrative of “Taxi Driver.” The storytelling is noticeably slower, and the crimes depicted are predictable. This deliberate pacing seems to reflect an homage to the storytelling techniques of the 1950s — simple, straightforward, and somewhat foreseeable. Understanding this context helps appreciate the direction chosen for this series.

Drawing comparisons to classic cinema, I’ve experienced the slow-burn yet timeless appeal of films like Audrey Hepburn’s classics, “Citizen Kane,” and “12 Angry Men.” “Chief Detective 1958” attempts to capture a similar essence.

Admittedly, this isn’t Lee Je Hoon’s most compelling work, particularly when compared to “Taxi Driver,” where the ensemble cast delivers a tightly-knit, cohesive performance. In “Chief Detective 1958,” there seems to be a general lack of peak performance from the cast, which detracts from the overall impact.

For viewers planning to watch “Chief Detective 1958” who haven’t yet seen “Taxi Driver,” I recommend watching “Chief Detective 1958” first to avoid potential disappointment. It’s not a waste of time, but it leans heavily into a classic style that may feel dated. The action sequences, while present, lack the thrilling intensity found in more contemporary works.

In conclusion, “Chief Detective 1958” offers a nostalgic journey into a bygone era of filmmaking. However, its classic approach and deliberate pacing may not resonate with viewers seeking the adrenaline-fueled excitement of Lee Je Hoon’s more modern roles.

Rating: 7.5/10

